Hi, I'm Oleksandr

๐จโ๐ป My name is Oleksandr Gornostal, I'm a software engineer and a solutions architect who loves tinkering with technology to solve real-world problems.
๐ In 2023, I was searching for a high-quality Text-to-Speech (TTS) tool that could be used toconvert articles from my read-it-later list into speech. Sadly, none of the existing could do the job well enough. All of them would grab only the text from HTML and read it verbatim, ignoring essential HTML elements and nuances of written text.
๐ก With the advent of OpenAI's GPT and other large language models, a light bulb moment occurred โ I realized there was potential to create a much more sophisticated TTS tool specifically designed for the web content.
๐ This led to the creation ofย article2audio, an app that leverages advanced AI algorithms to deliver high-quality audio versions of online content.
๐ง Now, I can listen to articles anywhere and anytime, effectively turning unproductive time into opportunities for learning. I hope you find the app useful too!